We are building ClimateHubs in Germany and across Europe. These are action-oriented climate protection networks that enable you and many others to take action together to make your city climate-neutral! Find your ClimateHub or get in touch with us:
A ClimateHub brings together everyone who is committed to climate protection - from new projects and established organizations to inspiring events. Whether you want to play an active role or just want to find out more - you can find your opportunity to get involved here!
A ClimateHub is an open platform for anyone who is committed to climate protection or wants to become active. Every city with a ClimateHub has its own online platform for digital exchange and a local networker on site. Together, we connect initiatives, organizations and committed people to drive forward effective climate protection projects. Through a variety of events and campaigns, we inspire even more people to actively work towards a sustainable future.
Whether you want to get active, are looking for allies for your idea or have a question about climate action - our climate networkers are in contact with all ClimateHub members, network local initiatives and initiate new effective climate projects. So if you can't find what you're looking for on the ClimateHub, you can contact them at any time and they will help you.
The platform brings together all local groups and makes them easy to find for everyone. It is a central exchange point for interested and active people.
visit ClimateHub ErlangenHere you will find all upcoming events in one place. The calendar is managed by the climate networker and the events are regularly advertised via our email and social media channels.
Answer 4 short questions and you'll have found the right project or group. Write to the person responsible right away and get started!
Do you have an idea and are looking for support to realise it? Post your climate protection idea and find suitable fellow campaigners.
Share an ideaYou can reach all climate activists from your city via the Climate Connect chat. Write a message if you would like to take part in a project or have a question.
ClimateHubs are not just theory. Since summer 2021, we have been implementing the ClimateHub concept in Erlangen and it has already proven its impact through concrete action-oriented projects. All local actors are now sensitized and use the platform. The concept has proven its worth and has also been implemented in 5 regions now.
In the existing ClimateHubs, this is used by all climate activists. Projects from a wide range of areas such as nutrition, energy, education, consumption and mobility are included!
More than 20 new climate projects, such as the initiative "Climate-friendly canteen kitchens" or "Stecker-Solaer" have been implemented. From old hands to those interested in becoming active for the first time, colorful groups have come together here.
Our annual Climate Participation Days are an integral part of the ClimateHub cities. A total of 5 events with ~100 participants each have already taken place. The events have made 15 new climate projects possible.
It was clear from the outset that we would not stop at just one ClimateHub, because it is only through a network of many cities that the ClimateHubs can really develop their impact.
The more ClimateHubs there are, the more impact each individual hub has! If there is a particularly effective project in one city, it can very quickly be initiated in other cities via the local ClimateHubs.
In many cities, a ClimateHub could make a major contribution to meeting climate targets. Since many cities also see it this way, 14 large German cities with 80,000-250,000 inhabitants have already officially expressed interest in a ClimateHub in their city.
In summer 2022, we successfully completed our crowdfunding campaign to set up the next ClimateHubs and raised over €30,000. Thanks to the fantastic support of many climate activists across Germany, the first ClimateHubs were opened in Potsdam and Marburg.
Now you are probably wondering what we need so much money for and where we will spend it. In short: For the expansion of our team and for the equipment of the ClimateHubs.
Wir können mit dem Geld insgesamt 12 lokale Vernetzer*innen für je ein Jahr in Teilzeit anstellen. Außerdem werden wir unser Kernteam erweitern. Einen neuen Programmierer um die ClimateHubs auf die Bedürfnisse vor Ort anzupassen. Eine Person, die alle lokalen Vernetzter*innen koordiniert und diese untereinander vernetzt. So wie 1 1/2 weitere Stellen fürs Marketing und Fundraising, um den Fortbestand der ClimateHubs über den finanzierungszeitraum hinaus zu sichern.
Neben Personal wir auch jeder ClimateHub ein Budget haben um Webematerialien zu drucken oder Veranstaltungen durchzuführen.
Salary costs for 12 part-time local networkers and a budget for each ClimateHub for printing promotional materials and organizing events.
The core team coordinates all local networkers and links them together.
Web development team to customize and enhance ClimateHubs to meet local needs.
To get the word out about us and spread ClimateHubs in a sustainable way for all
In total, over 100 people have been actively involved in Climate Connect. Whether web development, event organization, networking or marketing in all areas, our full-time team is supported by volunteers without whom Climate Connect would not exist! Besides us founders, we could in the meantime also hire our 2 climate networkers from Erlangen and Potsdam.
Would you like to bring a ClimateHub to your city? Let us know. Register at climateconnect.earth/signup and or send us an e-mail