Act together for Erlangen

The ClimateHub shows you the big levers in climate protection. Find projects and groups from Erlangen  to get involved yourself and increase your handprint.

Your climate network in Erlangen

The ClimateHub brings together all those active on climate issues in Erlangen. Whether it's projects that are just getting started, long-established organizations or events that you can just drop by. There's something for everyone. Try it out and join in!

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A volunteer presenting to a crowd at the climate day in Erlangen 2023

What we have already achieved together

Stecker-Solaer Gruppenbild

Stecker-Solaer: the balcony solar consultation in Erlangen

Made possible by the ClimateHub

Stecker-Solaer is a voluntary balcony solar advisory service that was made possible by the ClimateHub Erlangen and our climate networker. With several hundred consultations and many information stands and presentations, countless installations have been made possible.

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Climate-friendly commercial kitchens in Erlangen

Made possible by the ClimateHub

Erlangen canteen kitchens to become climate-friendly; this is exactly what the group has dedicated itself to. A lot has already been achieved with information events for the managers. Much more is planned after the restart in December 23!

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Klimakonferenz Erlangen 2022 Gruppenbild

Climate participation days

Organised by the ClimateHub

We have already organised 3 Erlangen Climate Participation Days. A total of almost 300 people have been motivated to take part. In addition, numerous new projects have been created for Erlangen.

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Klimakonferenz Erlangen 2022 Gruppenbild

Other projects made possible by the ClimateHub:

  • Klimabündnis
  • Solarparties
  • Solarcamp
  • Klimakommunikations Gruppe
  • Zukunft auf den Teller
  • Party for future
  • und mehr...

The ClimateHub and our climate networker Sophia have already made many new projects and initiatives possible! Anyone can take part in our regular events on a wide range of topics. We actively bring functioning projects from other cities to Erlangen.

Erlangen climate organisation are involved
New climate projects and initiatives made possible
Erlangeners reached
Stecker-Solaer Gruppenbild

Stecker-Solaer: die Balkonsolarberatung in Erlangen

Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Stecker-Solaer ist eine ehrenamtliche Balkonsolarberatung die durch den ClimateHub Erlangen und unseren Klimaverentzer ermöglicht wurde. Mit inzwischen xxx Beratungen und vielen Infoständen konnten unzählige Anlagen möglich gemacht werden.

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Klimafreundliche Großküchen in Erlangen

Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Stecker-Solaer ist eine ehrenamtliche Balkonsolarberatung die durch den ClimateHub Erlangen und unseren Klimaverentzer ermöglicht wurde. Mit inzwischen xxx Beratungen und vielen Infoständen konnten unzählige Anlagen möglich gemacht werden.

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Stecker-Solaer Gruppenbild

Stecker-Solaer: die Balkonsolarberatung in Erlangen

Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Stecker-Solaer ist eine ehrenamtliche Balkonsolarberatung die durch den ClimateHub Erlangen und unseren Klimaverentzer ermöglicht wurde. Mit inzwischen xxx Beratungen und vielen Infoständen konnten unzählige Anlagen möglich gemacht werden.

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Stecker-Solaer Gruppenbild

Stecker-Solaer: die Balkonsolarberatung in Erlangen

Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Stecker-Solaer ist eine ehrenamtliche Balkonsolarberatung die durch den ClimateHub Erlangen und unseren Klimaverentzer ermöglicht wurde. Mit inzwischen xxx Beratungen und vielen Infoständen konnten unzählige Anlagen möglich gemacht werden.

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"Become part of it too!"

To the ClimateHub

Always there for you: your climate networker

Whether you want to get active, are looking for allies for your idea or have a question about climate protection in Erlangen - Sophia is the climate networker at ClimateHub Erlangen and will be happy to help you.
Sophia is in contact with all ClimateHub members, networks local initiatives and actively facilitates new, effective climate projects. So if you can't find what you're looking for on the ClimateHub, you can contact her at any time and she'll help you.

Profilbild Sophia Thomas Klimakoordinatorin Erlangen

Sophia Thomas

"Let's make climate protection a joint task in Erlangen!"
Write a message

How does the ClimateHub work?

The ClimateHub is a non-profit contact point for all people who are committed to climate protection in Erlangen and who want to get involved. We have our own online platform as a digital exchange platform and our local networker Sophia on site. Together, we bring all the city's stakeholders together to fight the climate crisis. With many events and campaigns, we inspire even more people to get involved in climate protection.

Our supporters about the ClimateHub

Stefan Jessenberger
Climate Connect supporter since 2020

The climate crisis can only be tackled by mobilising large sections of society. That's why I'm delighted that the ClimateHub is bringing people together at a local level with groups that are already active.

Kinderarzt Praxis Rübenstrunk Kiesheyer
Regelmäßige Spender

We support the ClimateHub because politicians often don't act quickly enough. That's why we want to promote the involvement of civil society in climate protection as much as possible!

Dr. Florian Janik
Lord Mayor Erlangen

Change, for example in the area of mobility, will not be easy and still needs to be fast. That's why I'm delighted with Climate Connect's idea of bringing people together with common goals.

Karin Depner
Regular donor

Thanks to the ClimateHub in Erlangen, my 'edible city' project has already spread. Other beds have already been planted in other neighbourhoods. This has shown me how important the work of Climate Connect is.

Bertram Stehmann
Regular donor

I support Climate Connect because it makes a valuable contribution to networking numerous small and large actions and campaigns.

Eileen Dierner

The Climate Join-in Day was the decisive impulse for me to get actively involved in climate action. Not only did I develop a concrete project there, but I also found a committed group. Together we can create change!

Karin Depner
regular donor

"Through the ClimateHub, my "edible city" project has already made circles. More beds have already been planted in other parts of the city. This has shown me how important the work of Climate Connect is."

Kinderarzt Praxis Rübenstrunk Kiesheyer
long time supporters

"We support Climate Connect because politics often does not act fast enough. That's why we want to promote the engagement of civil society in climate protection in the best possible way!"

Find your group

You can find all active climate groups in Erlangen on the ClimateHub



Wir sind eine studentische Organisation an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, die sich mit Nachhaltigkeitsthemen beschäftigt.

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Klimafreundliche Großküchen in Erlangen

Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Stecker-Solaer ist eine ehrenamtliche Balkonsolarberatung die durch den ClimateHub Erlangen und unseren Klimaverentzer ermöglicht wurde. Mit inzwischen xxx Beratungen und vielen Infoständen konnten unzählige Anlagen möglich gemacht werden.

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Klimakonferenz Erlangen 2022 Gruppenbild


Durch den ClimateHub möglich gemacht

Bereits 3 Erlanger Klima-Mitmach-Tage haben wir organisiert. So konnten insgeamt über 200 Menschen zum mitmachen motiviert werden. Außerdem sind so zahlreiche neue Projekt für Erlangen entstanden.

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Entdecke alle Organisationen
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4 questions to happiness

The ClimateMatch helps you to find the right group or the perfect project for your commitment in 4 short questions.

Do the ClimateMatch
Your favorite topic
Your skills
Your perfect engagement
Your Impact 🎉

Stay up to date

We keep all ClimateHub members regularly up to date with our monthly newsletter. Upcoming events, projects to get involved in or innovations on the platform. Simply register on the ClimateHub and tick the box for the newsletter. Or you can take a look at our past newsletters first. (Newsletter in german only)

To the newsletter archive

Our supporters and partners

The members of the ClimateHub bring it to life - our partners made the ClimateHub possible in the first place.

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Logo gefördert durch Unser klimafonds
Chris steht am Climate Connect infostandClimate Connect Team steht an Infostand

Donate now and make the ClimateHub Erlangen possible!

For as little as €2 a month, you can help ClimateHub make a difference in the long term. This makes us less dependent on annual subsidies and grants. This gives us a lot of planning security and we can achieve more.

Support the Climate Connect gUG:
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Projekt Karte von der Climate Connect plattform: Klimakalender 2023Mann zeigt auf Karten die an einer Pinnwand hängen